Below are listed the reasons why you receive 2 specific error message as well as instructions how to solve the underlying issue.
The error message saying "Error: The domain DOMAINNAME is not authorized to show the cookie declaration. Please add it in the cookie manager to authorize the domain." will appear in the place where the Cookie Declaration was inserted on the website.
The error message saying "Error: DOMAINNAME is not a valid domain. Please add it to the cookie consent manager to authorize the domain." will appear in the browser's developer console.
The two messages are related (although you may only have noticed one of them) and the reason is one or more of the following:
1. The domain that you are trying to implement Cookiebot on has not yet been added to the backend Manager.
How to solve it: You need to add the domain to the backend Manager. See Why is the cookie consent banner/dialog not showing on my website? for instructions on how to do that. If you have more than one domain, please check that you have added all of your domains and all of your subdomains that you want Cookiebot to work on.
2. The script you are trying to insert on your website belongs to another domain group in the Cookiebot Manager.
How to solve it: Please be aware that each domain group has its own unique cbid (CookiebotIdentifier), which is the serial number that is included in the scripts. If you have more than one domain group on your account (or more than one Cookiebot account), make sure you use the scripts that are available under 'Settings' and the tab 'Your scripts' for the exact domain group that the domain is added to.
3. You have been on a 14-day free trial that has expired and you have not yet added your payment details - or your credit card has been rejected.
How to solve it: If you have been on a 14-day free trial that has expired and you have not yet added your payment details, then the Cookiebot scripts have stopped working. If you would like to continue using Cookiebot, please log in to your account and add your payment details. You will then be able to continue using Cookiebot on a premium subscription and the scripts will work again.
If your credit card (or PayPal) has been rejected you would have received a warning email from us 7 days prior to the scripts not working anymore and on the day they stop working. In the emails there is a link to update your credit card information. Alternatively, log on to your account and enter updated payment details to reactivate your account.
4. The script you have added to your website has the wrong serial number (or no serial number at all).
How to solve it: If you have copy pasted a script from one of the Cookiebot guides without adding your own serial number to it, then you will get the error message. To retrieve your own correct script, see point 2 above.
5. If you have copy pasted the Cookiebot script tags from the Cookiebot Manager into your tag manager or content management system, the data-attributes may have been stripped.
How to solve it: If you are using Cookiebot with a tag manager or the like, it is possible that the tag manager will strip all data-attributes on the script tag. In this case you need to transfer all tag attributes starting with "data-" to the URL of the tag as a URL query parameter without the "data-"-prefix, e.g. for the cookie consent banner (affected areas highlighted in bold):
Change this:
To this:
Without the data-culture attribute it would look like this:
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