The Premium Lite Plan is attractive for businesses and website owners with a single website with fewer than 50 subpages. It enables them to make use of all the premium features that Cookiebot CMP offers for only EUR 7/month.
[ {"q": "What is included in the Premium Lite Plan?", "a": "<p>All premium features are included, like: customization of pre-built banner templates, geotargeting, multi-language banner support, and automated scanning. <a href=''><span class='wysiwyg-underline' style='color: #1155cc;'>Visit our pricing page</span></a> for all the details.</p>" }, { "q":"Who qualifies for the Premium Lite Plan?", "a":"<p>The Premium Lite plan is available to all new customers that have 1 domain with fewer than 50 subpages. Existing Free Plan customers also have the option to upgrade to Premium Lite.</p>" }, { "q":"I am a Free Plan customer. Why should I upgrade to Premium Lite?", "a":"<p>The Premium Lite package comes with great features that enhance your cookie consent solution. It enables you to provide a more customized user experience with custom branding, messaging, and geotargeting of your banner. It also gives you more control over your website’s privacy compliance and opt-in optimization with the automated monthly and daily scan reports.</p>" }, { "q":"I am a Free Plan customer. How can I upgrade?", "a":"<p>There are two ways to upgrade:</p> <ol><li>Click on the <strong>Upgrade to Premium</strong> banner at the top of the <a href=''><span class='wysiwyg-underline' style='color: #1155cc;'>Cookiebot CMP Admin Interface</span></a>.</li><li>Go to <strong>Settings > Subscription</strong> in the Cookiebot CMP Admin Interface and add your payment method. </li></ol>" }, { "q":"I am a Premium customer and have 1 domain with fewer than 50 pages. How can I downgrade?", "a":"<p>The Premium Lite plan is available to all new customers that have 1 domain with fewer than 50 subpages. Existing Premium customers also have the option to downgrade to Premium Lite. Please contact the Cookiebot support team and we will have a look if your domain is qualified for the Premium Lite Plan. </p>" }, { "q":"What will happen if I’m on the Premium Lite Plan and I exceed the 50 subpages count?", "a":"<p>If the number of scanned pages exceeds the 50-subpage threshold, you will be automatically upgraded to the correct plan. Depending on the detected number of subpages, this would be Premium Small, Medium, or Large.</p>" },{"q":"What is the domain limitation with the Premium Lite plan, and how will it affect my subscription?","a":"<p>The Premium Lite plan is limited to a single domain only. If you have more than a single domain, you will automatically be upgraded to the Premium plan. Here’s how it will affect you:</p> <ul style='list-style-type:disc'><li>If you only have a single domain that is eligible for Premium Lite (fewer than 50 pages), your subscription remains unchanged.</li><li>If you have several domains, then all domains will be Small, Medium or Large, depending on their size.</li><li>If you previously only had a single Premium Lite domain, and after the latest billing have added additional domains, your domain that would be eligible for Premium Lite will be upgraded to Premium Small.</li></ul> <p>This change ensures that we can provide the best premium features and support while maintaining a fair pricing structure. If you prefer to stay on the Lite plan, you will need to limit your usage to a single domain with fewer than 50 subpages. The changes will take effect with your next invoice. You can manage your domains and plans through your account dashboard, and our support team is available to assist you if needed.</p>"}]
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