What is counted as subpages?
Pages and posts
How does Cookiebot define a subpage and what does it scan?
How does the Cookiebot scanner define pages on a website
The Cookiebot scanner scans your website in-depth to identify all cookies and other tracking technology in use. Since blog posts can also contain cookies and trackers - for example in images or in embedded videos - we need to scan not only the static pages but also all the blog posts. For this reason, the number of pages according to Wordpress and the number of pages according to the Cookiebot scanner will likely differ.
You can read more about Wordpress' definition of a page vs. a post here: http://www.wpbeginner.com/glossary/page/
Some users mistakenly think that the Cookiebot scanner counts their image files as subpages, thereby increasing the number of subpages and resulting in the domain not being eligible for the free subscription. Cookiebot does not count image files as subpages. Depending on your theme, WordPress may automatically create real pages for content placed in your media library. These pages are called Attachment pages. Because these pages can also contain cookies and online trackers, Cookiebot scans and includes them in your page count.
To disable the Attachment page feature in WordPress, please see the following guides:
How do I know what subpages the Cookiebot scanner has found?
If you have received a price quote from Cookiebot: attached to the email is a URL list of up to 5,000 of the subpages found by our scanner.
If you have received an email saying your account no longer meets the requirements for a free subscription: attached to the email is a URL list of up to 200 of the pages found by our scanner.
If you have signed up for a Cookiebot subscription you can also find details and an URL list with up to 10,000 of the subpages that our scanner has found on the 'Cookies' page: Log into your account (Cookiebot CMP Manager); choose the top menu point ‘Cookies’. When you click on the number of pages identified by the scanner, the URL list of subpages will download.
If you have received an email saying your account no longer meets the requirements for a free subscription: attached to the email is a URL list of up to 200 of the pages found by our scanner.
If you have signed up for a Cookiebot subscription you can also find details and an URL list with up to 10,000 of the subpages that our scanner has found on the 'Cookies' page: Log into your account (Cookiebot CMP Manager); choose the top menu point ‘Cookies’. When you click on the number of pages identified by the scanner, the URL list of subpages will download.
How can I get a free subscription?
If you have reduced the number of pages to maximum of 50, you can order a non-binding quote here to make sure (including the subscription price, the number of pages and an attached URL list of all identified pages):
Don't know the size of your website?
If your website has fewer than 50 pages, you can follow the instructions in How can I get a Free subscription?
Please also see: How does the Cookiebot scanner define pages on a website?
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